Unparenting 2.0 course

Put a stop to the misbehaving, tantrums, tears and yelling, and start getting along with your children.

Since the first release of the Unparenting course (2013), we have been collecting invaluable experiences. We listen to you, moms and dads, as well as children. And thanks to this, we can now offer you:

The best online course for happier children and parents

This is the final result of two and a half years of intensive work and thousands of hours of observation, exploration, consideration, writing and editing. You’ll find ideas here you may have never heard before. Powerful guided experiences will lovingly overhaul how you view your children’s world. The best that Unparenting has to offer parents.

Maybe you wish you could have a home …

Where you don’t have to repeat everything constantly. Where you can talk to each other and work things out, like them taking care of their things, picking up after themselves, not getting into things that aren’t theirs … and where everybody keeps their word.
Where your children aren’t always resisting you, talking back and fighting against you, but are actually trying to help.
Where you understand each other and manage to get through difficult situations together, like when your children are crying, grumpy or sad, or when you’re having a hard time yourself.
Where you don’t have to worry about your children making a scene in public. Where you can get your children out of the house, take them to the store, and go home from the playground without a struggle.
Where you aren’t exhausted and always about to boil over. Where your children don’t wind you up, and where you enjoy being with them again.
Where you don’t have to yell. Where you enjoy being together instead of getting on each other’s nerves.
Did you answer, “Yep, that’s exactly what I want,” but you also feel like it’s not going that well? Even though you’ve tried all kinds of parenting advice and methods?

The Unparenting course can help you get there

You’ll learn to understand your children and change how you communicate with them, and the problems you’ve been experiencing will occur less and less.

Coming Soon

In the meantime, enjoy our valuable blog articles that will assist you on your parenting journey.